London/Manchester/Edinburgh – March 23rd 2021. Informed Solutions has been appointed to the new Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Software Design and Implementation Services Framework.
Run over four years, this new national £500m framework provides Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including local authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, education, and devolved administrations with a route to market to purchase support from specialist suppliers when deploying new services or upgrading legacy software.
Informed Solutions UK CEO Seth Finegan comments: “A persistent issue holding back the pace and scale of UK Public Sector digital transformation ambition relates to the difficulty in swapping out cumbersome enterprise legacy tech, which is increasingly burdensome and costly to maintain. The inefficiency and cost is exacerbated by a complex landscape of multiple and ageing/legacy data sources, collection tools and databases that are fragmented, difficult to access and of variable quality”.
Finegan concludes: “Our Queen’s Award-winning platforms and services are being used across a growing number of public sector bodies operating in healthcare, emergency services, and environment management sectors as well as in nationally significant citizen engagement activities. Our solutions not only deliver world class digital services, but also significantly reduce legacy tech debt. We look forward to the opportunity to accelerate Public Sector digital transformation and reduce reliance on legacy tech through this important framework”.
For more information on the Software Design and Implementation Framework, visit: http://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6193